Talks, Papers, etc.

Scholarly Talks, Papers & Panels

"Does Climate Change and Biodiversity Factor into Contemporary Planting Practice? A Survey of Practitioners in the U.S. Northeast and Mid-Atlantic," Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, with Travis Flohr, forthcoming March 2025.

“Convivial greenstreet motivations and values,” 14th International Conference on the Constructed Environment, University of Vienna, with Emmy Kriehn, 2024.

“Progress on convivial greenstreets research in the contemporary city,” 13th International Conference on the Constructed Environment, University of Hawaii, with E. Kriehn, 2023.

“The value of a street-side garden: Convivial greenstreets in two Philadelphia neighborhoods,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, with E. Titcombe, 2022.

“Landscape design approaches to nature-based playscapes in Philadelphia,” 10th Child in the City World Conference, Dublin, Ireland, accepted, with Yiru Zhang, 2022.

“An engaged studio retrospective,” Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference, initiator and lead panelist, 2021.

“Green play infrastructure: [Re]connecting children with nature in underserved urban neighborhoods,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2021 Annual Conference, with Y. Zhang, 2021.

“Engaged design: Hazelwood,” Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference, poster, with L. Taylor and M. Borsos, 2021.

“Reconciling computational and tacit knowledges: A spatial data approach to neighborhood-scale, nature-based play networks in underserved communities,” 17th Int'l. Conference on Computational Urban Planning & Urban Mgt., Aalto University, Finland, with Y. Zhang, 2021.

“Virtual Studio 1.0: a virtual tacit-forward learning management framework,” Digital Landscape Architecture 2021 Conference, Dessau Germany, with T. Flohr, 2021.

“Merging spatial data approaches to nature-based play networks,” CCAP Pennsylvania GIS Conference, with Y. Zhang, 2021.

“A vision for urban micromobility: From current streetscape to city of the future,” 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility | CSUM2020, University of Thessaly, Greece, with S. Tan, 2020.

“The virtual studio: An emerging tacit learning management system framework,” International Teaching Learning Cooperative LILLY Conference, with T. Flohr and T. Johnson, 2020.

"The Virtual Studio," 2020 SCDC Flash Symposium, Penn State University, with T. Flohr and T. Johnson, 2020.

“Visualizing change scenarios for flood buyout properties in Conway, South Carolina,” Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 51, with L. Rummler and C.A. Cole, 2020.

“Developing community through makeshift green urbanism on the street,” presenter and panelist, World Community Dev’t. Conference, University of Dundee, Scotland, 2019.

“Ecology, City, Design,” Schreyer Presidential Leadership Academy, Penn State University, 2019.

“Using design approaches to preserve a university-owned natural area: The Musser Gap to Valleylands (MG2V) at Penn State,” Natural Areas Conference, Pittsburgh, with C.A. Cole, 2019.

“Brunot Island Center for Urban River Ecology (CURE),” invited poster, Ecology Institute Research Showcase, Penn State University, 2019.

“A filmic approach to engaged scholarship in Pittsburgh’s at-risk communities,” World Community Development Conference, Maynooth University, Ireland, 2018.

“Community development by engaged design in the post-industrial inner-city,” presenter and panelist, World Community Development Conference, Maynooth University, Ireland, 2018.

“Native plant gardens: Principles, practices and cautionary tales,” Pennsylvania Native Plant Society Annual Meeting, plenary speaker, 2017.

“Green infrastructure in liminal streetside spaces: Cases from European city cores,” Association of European Schools of Planning Congress, University of Lisbon, 2017.

“Informal green infrastructure along the street: Typology and urban design implications,” World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, Prague, 2017.

“Restoration challenges and opportunities for Pittsburgh’s Brunot Island,” 11th Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration–Mid-Atlantic, 2016.

“Brunot Island Center for Urban River Ecology (CURE),” 11th Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration Mid-Atlantic, poster talk, 2016.

“Novel ecosystems or condos? Competing scenarios for Pittsburgh's river islands,” Novel Ecosystems Research Symposium, Penn State University, 2016.

“Collaborative community design in underserved neighborhoods: Approaches to engaged studios and their institutional framework,” 16th Annual Conference of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, initiator / panelist / workshop leader, 2015.

“Catalyst by design: Resilience-building scenarios as key outcomes of an engaged studio,” 16th Annual Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, poster, Penn State University, 2015.

“Convivial greenstreets as force and context for urban sustainability,” 4th World Sustainability Forum, SciForum e-conference series, 2014.

“Convivial greenstreets in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands,” public lecture at the Academy for International Education, Bonn, Germany, 2014.

“Climate change, anticipatory learning, and co-resilience in vulnerable places,” 11th Intl. Conference of the Learning Sciences, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2014.

“Urban sustainability and regenerative design,” keynote, City Lights Speaker Series, Penn State Alumni Association, Phipps Conservatory, Pittsburgh, 2013.

“Green innovations in western European city streets and public spaces,” Pennsylvania Community Forestry Conference, Penn State University, 2013.

“Tales from here and there: Building resilience in stressed social-ecological systems,” Ecosystems Science and Mngt. Spring Seminar Series, Penn State University, 2013.

“Now what? Adaptive local planning and anticipatory learning for climate change adaptation in rural Ghana and Tanzania,” Second International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, University of Arizona, 2012.

 “Science and the sacred: Rethinking the relationship between the GAP and the Ganges,” 53rd Annual Conference of the American Collegiate Schools of Planning, University of Cincinnati, with P. Das, 2012.

“From envisioning to planning and management in the anticipatory learning cycle,” multi-stakeholder workshop session leader, with P. Tschakert, Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam and Red Cross Society, Tanzania, 2012.

“Old compulsions, new technologies: Gigapans, helipans and emerging vantages,” Arts & Architecture Faculty Forum, Penn State University, 2012.

“Grounded: Walking journeys and environmental monitoring as portals to anticipatory learning and resilience from and within the working landscape,” Resilience 2011, Arizona State University, 2011.

“The Pittsburgh Studio: Regenerative design in stressed communities,” National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Michigan State University, 2011.

“From vulnerable victims to active agents: Anticipatory learning for climate change adaptation and resilience,” Resilience 2011, Arizona State University, with P. Tschakert, 2011.

“Remember, observe, learn, dream, and act: Ingredients for social-ecological resilience,” Assoc. of American Geographers Annual Meeting, with P. Tschakert, 2011.

“Remembering change, anticipating change: Processes of activating, stretching, and creating knowledge for anticipatory learning, adaptation, and resilience under climate change,” Resilience 2011, P. Tschakert, 2011.

“Deforestation, climate change, adaptation: Mixing discourses during scenario building for climate change adaptation in Ghana,” Assoc. of American Geographers 2011 Annual Meeting, with K. Dietrich and P. Tschakert, 2011.

“Learning to adapt: How innovation, environmental information sharing, and social networks vary in rural Ghana and Tanzania,” Resilience 2011, with E. Prins et al., 2011.

“Exploring the excited skin: Gigapixel imaging of soil profiles and landscape contexts,” plenary, Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, with R. Stehouwer and P. Drohan, 2010.

“GigaPan possibilities in environmental design,“ Fine Outreach for Science GigaPan Workshop #2, Global Connection Project, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009.

“Technology-supported cross-cultural learning in the developing world: The Mountain Project,“ International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration, Copenhagen Business School, 2010.

“Gigapixel imaging, interdisciplinarity, and knowledge integration“ Returning Fellow reflections, Fine Outreach for Science GigaPan Workshop #4, Carnegie Mellon University, 2010.

“Building a learning community for Himalayan sustainability,” Association for India's Development, University Park chapter, with S. Honwad, 2010.

“Concept Mapping of Climate Change and Village Adaptation and Resilience,” Stakeholders Workshop, Afram Plains Development Organization, Ghana, 2009.

“L.E.A.P. to get a bird's-eye view: Low elevation aerial photography for site design and landscape research,” LABash National Conference, Penn Stater Conference Center, 2009. 

“Off road and engaged: Collaborative action research for resilient Himalayan communities,” Geography Coffee Hour Speaker Series, Penn State University, 2009.

“The Mountain Project: Towards adaptive learning communities for Himalayan sustainability,” Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America, Penn State University, with S. Honwad, 2008.

“Off road IT: Using technology for communities and sustainability in the Himalayas,” College of IST Research Tea Series, Penn State University, with C. Hoadley, 2007.

“When film and landscape meet: A range of possibilities,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture National Conference, Penn State University, co-introduction to the Negotiated View Film Festival, 2007.

“The Mountain Project,” International Education Week Speaker Series, Office of International Programs, Penn State University, with C. Hoadley, 2007.

“Designing appropriate collaborative learning technologies for the developing world,” Open Education Conference: Localizing and Learning, Utah State University, with C. Hoadley and S. Honwad, 2007.

“Using technology to elicit biographies in Himalayan villages,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, with C. Hoadley and S. Honwad, 2007.

“Placing IK: Community-based knowledge, vision and action in environmental design,” Inter-institutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge, Penn State University, 2006.

“Changing nature: Towards a civic culture of urban ecosystems regeneration,” keynote, Urban Waters: First National Conference on Environmental Regeneration in Cities, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2005.

“Knowledge-building communities and Himalayan sustainability,” Open Science Conference on Global Change in Mountain Regions, Perth, Scotland, 2005.

“Mapeamento sócio-ambiental de bacias hidrográficas urbanas: Estudo de caso do Rio Carioca,” 11th Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs and Research in Urban and Regional Planning Conference, Salvador, Brazil, with M. Schlee, 2005.

“Ecological restoration education and emerging trends in public scholarship,” Society for Ecological Restoration International 16th Annual Conference, University of Victoria, Canada, 2004.

“Interweaving ecological science and ecological design,” Ecology Speaker Series, Penn State University, 2004.

“Retrospective / perspective on a regional studio,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Charleston, SC, with T. Yahner, 2003.

“Preemptive ecosystems planning and large-scale traditional neighborhood development: A watershed case study,” Chesapeake Basin Restoration Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2002.

“Large-scale traditional neighborhood development and preemptive ecosystems planning: The Markham experience, 1989–2002,” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 44th Annual Conference, Baltimore, with D. Gordon, 2002. 

“India's Ganges paradox: Sacred rites and environmental desecration along an Indian riverfront,” Religion, Ecology and Culture, Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, DePaul University, with P. Das, 2001.

“Ecological design and restoration of stream corridors: Principles and precedents,” Clearwater Conservancy colloquium, State College, 2001.

“Teaching watershed-based planning and management,” Water, Oil of the 21st Century: Canadian Inst. of Planners National Conference, Charlottetown, PEI, 2000.

“Hope for the hyperstressed: Regenerating Pittsburgh’s post-industrial ecosystems,” Conference on Ecosystems Restoration & Creation, Hillsborough College, 1999.

 “Patterns, processes and paradigms: Towards ecologically vital brownfields,” XVI International Botanical Congress, Missouri Botanical Gardens, 1999.

“Post-industrial landscapes: Vegetation, ecology and ecosystems-based regeneration” symposium co-convenor, with S. Thompson, XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, 1999.

“Connections old and new: Ecological design in a post-industrial culture,” plenary address, American Soc. of Landscape Architects-PA/Del Conf., Philadelphia, 1998.

“Integrating Ecology into the Curriculum,” workshop leader, The Shire Conference on Ecology and Design, University of Oregon, 1998.

“Applying ecology in the undergraduate studio,” panelist, Building Toward Diversity: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Asheville, NC, 1997.

“Restoration planning in the urbanizing (bio)region: Ecological themes and regional imperatives,” American Society of Landscape Architects Conference on Sustainability in the Chesapeake Basin, University of Maryland, 1997.

“Weaving landscape ecology into the design studio” panel, 12th Annual Conference of the International Association of Landscape Ecology, Duke University, 1997.

“Nine Mile Run: Ample Opportunity,” Carnegie Mellon University, Frick Environmental Center, Pittsburgh, 1997.

“The Pittsburgh Ecological Design Studio,” American Society of Landscape Architects annual meeting, Western Pennsylvania Chapter, Pittsburgh, 1997.

“Ecology & placemaking: Towards an enriched urban design theory,” American Collegiate Schools of Architecture Conference, Hampton University, 1996.

“Urban ecological restoration in a post-modern landscape: A Rouge retrospective,” Society for Ecological Restoration International Conference, Rutgers University, 1996.

“Synecologies, greenway planning and the pursuit of synergies,” Sixth Biennial International Linear Parks Conference, Virginia Polytechnical Institute, 1995.

“Partnerships and sustainability,” panelist, Sixth Biennial International Linear Parks Conference, Virginia Polytechnical University, 1995.

“Across the Great Divide: Landscape architecture, ecology and the city,” American Society of Landscape Architects Conference, Cleveland, with D. Luymes and D. Nadenicek, 1995.

“Cleveland’s Celebration Spaces: Cleveland’s Dock 20/22” charrette leader/designer, American Society of Landscape Architects Community Assistance (C.A.T.) Team, 1995.

“Restoring the urban river valley: Principles and patterns,” keynote address, American Society of Landscape Architects-West Virginia Annual Meeting, University of West Virginia, 1994.

“The urban valley as linear place and ecological corridor,” Third Annual Pennsylvania Community Forestry Conference, Penn State University, 1994.

“Holism in restoration planning: A systems approach in Markham, Ontario,” Society for Ecological Restoration International Conference, Michigan State University, 1994.

“Urban greenways and restored landscapes: Places and patterns of apprehension,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Mississippi State University, 1994.

“Claiming a piece of the wilderness: Provincial parks in a post-modern age,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Mississippi State University, with D. Luymes, 1994.

“Designing viable open space: Restoring nature and finding place in the city,” Planning for Community Open Spaces Conference, Harrisburg, PA, 1994.

"Greening your garden," public workshop with City of Burlington (Ontario) Sustainable Development Commission, 1991.

Exhibits, Screenings & Profiles

Photo-exhibit, Hagerstown Soil Profile gigapan panorama, World Soil Day, Forest Resources Atrium Gallery, Penn State University, Dec. 2017.

Initiator, co-curator, J. Böttger & T. Knüvener exhibition, Rouse Gallery, Penn State University, April 2016.

Lead curator, Nearby Nature II juried collection, with D. vanEngelsdorp and A. Smith, GigaPan Magazine | Create Lab, Carnegie Mellon University, spring 2012.

Co-curator, Nearby Nature I juried collection, with A. Smith and D. vanEngelsdor, GigaPan Magazine | Create Lab, Carnegie Mellon University, spring 2011.

Studio profile, “Design in the real world: A Penn State program promotes community outreach,” Landscape Architecture Magazine, Sept. 2011.

Studio profile, “Repurposing and reclaiming neighborhoods: The Pittsburgh Studio,” Penn State Outreach, spring 2011, 14(1).

Juror, Gigapixel Imaging for Science exhibition, Simmons Gallery, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA, fall 2010.

Videodocumentary screening, Water Past and Present: A Documentary by the Children of the Himalayas, with S. Honwad, producer, at Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America, Penn State University, Jan. 2008.

Profile, Partnering to Restore Spring Creek, Elks Country Club riparian ecological restoration, on Environmental Institute for Golf's Green Links website, fall 2008.

Co-curator, The Negotiated View Film Festival, with K. Thompson (lead) and B. Bird, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture National Conference, Penn State University, August 2007.

Photo-exhibit, The Mountain Project: North India and Nepal, at International Programs Gallery, 40 photographs, J. Haner curator, Penn State University, summer-fall 2007.

Profile, Partnering to Restore Spring Creek, in Case Studies in Surface Water Quality, Audubon International website, 2006.

Gallery show, Reconnecting with the Don: Balancing the Valley, at Toronto's Market Gallery, curated by Task Force to Bring Back the Don, fall 2004.

Public art installation, “Landscape and America,” contributor, Tensions of Change Project, University Park campus, fall, 2003.

Gallery show, Conversations in the Rust Belt: Nine Mile Run Project, at Miller Gallery, Purnell Center for the Arts, T. Collins and R. Goto, curators, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, winter 2000.

Gallery show, Conversations in the Rust Belt: Nine Mile Run Project, at Wood Street Galleries, T. Collins and R. Goto, curators, Pittsburgh, summer 1999.

Exhibit, Dock 20/22 Festival Park, at Celebration Spaces CAT Charrette, American Society of Landscape Architects 1995 national conference, Cleveland.

Gallery show, Bringing Back the Don, at McMichael Canadian Art Collection, exhibit on landscape urbanism, M. Bice and G. Kapelos, curators, Kleinburg, Ontario, summer 1994.

Gallery show, Toronto Brickworks Renewed, at Powerhouse Gallery, Toronto, spring 1992.