Select Projects

dedicated to 

Michael Hough, 1928-2013

landscape architect, scholar, mentor

Don River Restoration  


HSWL 1992

Task Force members assist eminent conservationist Charles Sauriol (1904-1995) onto CN Rail property along the Don Valley Expressway. This act of mild civil disobedience began the process of Bringing Back the Don. 

Google Earth, 2020

HSWL's 1992 Don River / Portlands concept

Our 1992 notion of restoring the Don estuary within a green, mixed-use Portlands redevelopment served as the meta-concept on which later Portlands efforts were based. It was published as the centerpiece of the Royal Commission's seminal Regeneration: Toronto's Waterfront and the Sustainable City (1992).

The re-configured mouth of the Don and its alighnment through the Portslandsmuch as we envisioned in the early 90sreceived +$1billion (CDN) from city, federal and provincial governments. Construction is nearing completion.

Nine Mile Run  Pittsburgh

Nine Mile Run, Google Earth, 2022 

Duquesne Slag Co. dumped 17 million cu.yds. of "hot pour" slag into NMR valley, 1922-1972  (McElwaine, nd)

Water quality and stream biodiversity have significantly improved since restoration of the 2.3 mile corridor began in 2003 (Upstream Pittsburgh, 2021)

ALCCAR  Ghana and Tanzania 

ALCCAR's general research methodology 

On our way to meet with the Chief and Queen Mother of Xedzodzoekope village, Ghana. 

Training session for climate change monitoring workshop facilitators in the Afram Plains, Ghana. Here we discuss locally-attuned approaches to grappling with village-scale erosion driven by regional climate change. Issues like this stem from increasingly severe rainfall events and diminishing capacity and resources to find solutions. 

Ghanaian women's group constructs a spider-gram of village sustainability and livelihood issues.

Illicit charcoal production in sub-Saharan Africa is one of many ways that local people cope with impacts of climate change and post-colonial globalization.

Semi-structured interviews on livelihood diversification and climate change indicators, Odomase village, Ghana.

Don Valley Brickworks  


Brickworks concept, HSWL 1991 

Heritage Plaza  

Altoona, PA

Rouge National Urban Park  Toronto

Parks Canada 

Rouge River south valley, Google Earth 

Millbrook Marsh Management Plan  

State College, PA

Millbrook Marsh's Bathgate Spring Run, helipan aerial by Aaron and Ken Tamminga, 2011  

The Mountain Project  

north India & south-central Nepal

Chaughare School students on the path exploring environmental change and prospects for local approaches to sustainable and clean water sources.

Study sites, Google Earth, 2022

Students were quick to pick up the finer points of participatory video production. Equipment was gifted to each or our partner schools. 

Dalchoki School Eco-club students interview a village leader on sustainable indigenous building techniques.

Suraikhet School students in Uttarakhand, India interview a village elder on environmental change and ideas on local approaches to adaptation.

Massasauga Provincial Park  

Georgian Bay, Ontario

Island Georgian Bay

Franklin Carmichael, 1917

This vast, largely pristine freshwater archipelago, along the southern edge of Canada's ancient Precambrian granite, is unique on earth.

MG2V Greenway

State College, PA 


Canadian Headquarters


Google Earth, 2023 

Markham's Plan for the Environment  Markham, ON


Prospects for Regenerating 

Rome's Tiber River

The outfall of Rome's legendary Cloaca Maxima is now a clogged sewer-turned-homeless-shelter 

Accretion patterns upstream of Ponte Sant'Angelo suggest heavy sediment load and fluvial disruptions due to piers and streambed ruins.

Mark Huey, 2008 

Our Sede di Roma students participate in peer critiques during Tiber charrette pin-ups  

Urban Micromobility  

Washington DC

drawings by S. Tan, 2020 

Green Play Infrastructure  

Philadelphia, PA

Lime Lakes Brownfield Phytoremedition   

Barberton, OH

Sorghastrum nutans seed heads. Despite the ultra high-pH growing media, native warm season grasses thrived.

EPA Region 5 inspector monitors a test dig to assess root penetration and plant biomass, 2006 

Root biomass and penetration measures on test plots, year 3 

Brunot Island 

Novel Ecosystem 

Ohio River, Pittsburgh, PA

Google Earth

"What seems to make identifying an ideal frame so difficult is the fundamentally mixed character of novel ecosystemsdiverse yet invaded, anthropogenic yet wild."  

Yung et al., 2013. Novel Ecosystems: Intervening in the New Ecological World Order. 

Convivial Greenstreets  

Stairwell gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2019 

Grünerløkka, Oslo, Norway 2023 

Island Projects  

Manitoulin Island, ON

Toronto Outer Harbour Marina   

“A true world destination cruising port."

Cruising Canada, 2008 

Small Ecological Restoration Projects  

Over the past +3 decades I've led a series of small, site-scale ecological restoration and habitat design projects. I prepared concepts and planting strategies, and co-coordinated on-site planting with various not-for-profit organizations and volunteers and local/regional agencies.


Xeric Limestone Prairie 

Rural residence in Penns Valley, PA 


Rohm & Haas Brownfield


Bristol, PA 

with Rick Stehouwer (soils), EPA Region 3, and EPA Brownfields Training course students 


Lower Galbraith Gap Run 

Riparian Corridor

Elks Country Club, State College 

with ClearWater Conservancy and 

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services (fluvial work) 


Rock Hill School Pollinator Garden 

Linden Hall, PA 

colleague Tom Yahner was design lead 


Potter Farm Riparian Corridor and Upland Meadow

Penns Valley, PA 

with ClearWater Conservancy 


Hewlett-Packard HQ Meadow

Toronto, ON 

with Maria Kaars / HSWL 


Galbraith Gap Run & Trailhead Regeneration 

Rothrock State Forest, PA State Forestry Bureau  

with Tom Yahner and Galbraith Gap Trailhead Committee 


Dune Stabilization Planting

with Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) 

Island Beach State Park, New Jersey 

with LArch 444 Ecosystems Transect students 


Slab Cabin Run Riparian Restoration

Focht Farm, Ferguson Twp., PA 

with ClearWater Conservancy, L. Comas and 

Ecological Restoration Practicum students 


Lime Lake #5 Brownfield Reclamation

PPG Industries, Barberton, Ohio  

with Key Environmental, Inc. 


Spring Creek Riparian Restoration

Elks Country Club, Harrison Twp., PA 

with ClearWater Conservancy 


Residential Pollinator Garden

and Mini-Forest

State College, PA